Unique to Waldorf Education, form drawing helps children (and adults!) build a sense of spatial awareness, a sense of balance, movement, a sense of design, and a sense of the shapes, both in positive and negative space. First grade begins with all drawings being made of straight lines and curved lines, and then the drawing builds, grade by grade, year by year, with the children's development. Form drawing is beautiful, elegant, challenging, and cultivates clear thinking and the weaving of thought. This book brings a remarkable variety of approaches to Form Drawing and is mostly in vibrant, full-color pictures and very little text (1,000 words in each image!). This book is fully translated into English, though the original was written in English, German, and Dutch! Are you looking for a guide to artistic courage in drawing? This book will be of great help! Looking to teach at home and yearning to add creative work that promotes healthy brain development? Here's the answer in a single glorious publication!
Waldorf Publications
ISBN: 978-1-943582-51-8
Perfect bound
Full color
136 pages
8 x 11.5 inches Dick Bruin